It has been frosty the last couple of mornings. Maybe because I'm the only human around at the hour, the Valle creatures are more open to my attention. Or perhaps they want to snuggle...
And snuggle up to this: A new Valle Crucis photographer. Wow. Eric's photo goods are amazing. His eye is refined and his style is already well established. His raw talent can't be denied. I'll most certainly be linking to more of his stuff because his take on the Valle compared to mine is welcomed. He is married to Valle gal, Mason, and I met them both at, where else y'all? The Valle Fair.
And if'n you guys are thinking about Halloween...consider this post by Gnumoon. She wrote about Halloween costumes guys should wear, from a woman's perspective, of course. She also wrote about what is not hot. And, after extensive polling by the many women in our office...she is spot on. Especially about this. We are just saying...