This post is for you. Look! Annie is eating a snowball. She likes snow. She thinks this is fun. She wags her tail all the time, especially when it snows and she has a little boy around to play with. She would love to eat snow cream with you one day when you visit. She also wants to chase you on a sled as you ride with your daddy & mommy down our mountain through the Indian Meadow, and she will help you throw snowballs at your father. Your Aunt Re Re owes your Daddy lots of snowballs:) We'll build a fort or maybe, if the conditions are right, we'll build an igloo and build a campfire inside.. No matter what, we will have fun times. There are many hot chocolate w/marshmallow days in your future.
Aunt Re Re
The other photo above this is just a little look at mountains from the deck of the Grove Park Inn @ Asheville.