Here is but a few of the hundreds of images I have taken over the last several days. Despite ridiculous wind chills, the latest snow was picture perfect and ripe with marketing brochure possibilities.
Each morning I woke up, put on long johns then added several more layers of clothing to protect myself from the elements. When I entered the office I was greeted by student interns who were less enthusiastic than me about venturing outdoors to learn to capture such moments.
"I left my camera at home," one kid whined.
"I stayed up late last night and don't feel good," was the excuse of another.
My response to them was to ask the question:
"How badly do you desire to be a working photographer? Or are you content being a wanna be?"
Ahhh, I enjoy teachable moments. As I explained to them: Possessing a $2,000 camera and all the photo knowledge in the world, doesn't make a memorable moments alone.
Great photos rarely come knockin' on the doorstep....You must seek them.