I saw my first creasy green yesterday morning as I searched for spring through the mud and slog of March. I found spiked green points of onions poking through the dirt as well as the familiar dentate leaves of a dandelion. The greens were just barely awake, like a teenager who hits the snooze button on the alarm clock begging for a just a few more days of sleep. The mustards and docks will follow suit as soon as their internal rhythm pushes them to rise forth and shine.
As for me, I am the early riser. The onset of my diurnal urges happened 2 weeks ago and I am impatient for nature to get a move on and catch-up.
On the home front:
I've been enjoying the company of my daughters, home from college for their spring breaks, all chatty and happy. When they leave to catch-up with friends, my husband and I have been tackling a multitude of home maintenance chores. This weekend we ventured into the workshop and made pine deck boxes to store cushions and what nots. We did have expensive Rubbermaid outdoor storage containers, but the windy Boone winters blew them to pieces and carried them off to a far away ravine. My new deck boxes are painted and ready to serve. But they look coffins. So, I'm gonna fancy them up a little bit and put my own little ardornment in the form of tondos on the fronts. I was inspired by this exhibit.