I was searching for dogwoods and instead, found a rainbow. Looks like the pot of gold is smack dab in the middle of Valle Crucis Park. No surprise here. As I crossed the Watauga River bridge today, I noticed a woman in the middle of the road. I wondered for a moment what she was doing.
Did she need help?
I looked in the direction she was staring.
Whoa! Rainbow!
I braked, backed up my Jeep, pressed my hazard button, grabbed my camera and tumbled down the side of the mountain to capture this image. Oh yeah, I also bellied 'neath the electric fence. The rainbow was fading so I only managed a couple of shots before it became history. With muddied jeans and soggy shoes I crawled up the grassy slope and dearly hoped the photo would show how fun the moment was.
On the homefront:
My youngest daughter returned home this evening. We visited on the deck for about an hour before her 'home friends," caught wind of her arrival. Her cell phone went wild and it wasn't 30 minutes later before she asked if she could leave for the evening.
Oh how the glorious, colorful rainbows are fleeting...
**I changed photos on this post. I like this shot better.**