I started Saturday hoping for a nice long run in the Valle Crucis Park. By the time I hit the park entrance I was reminded it was the Blood, Sweat and Gears morning. No sweat here. I saw my friend Tammy and she waved me to the side of the road. "Go get photos," she said. And I did. What timing. I climbed the platform 3 minutes before the 1,600+ bikes took off. I even had time to say a quick hello to friends Fay and Brenda Binning.
(Note to self: Gotta find time to catch up with them....
I did end up having
a wonderful muggy 4 mile early morning romp in the park before I met Franya and members of the HIgh Country CSA for a farm work day at Charles Church's farm. For two hours I hand weeded beets and romaine lettuce with these lovely ladies. I know more about farming. That, and I learned weeding goes so much faster when you have a bit of gossip and girlie companionship to occupy the time. I left the farm about 10:45 and felt rather proud of my morning productivity. Later, after a couple of hours of tending to my own garden and its maintenance issues, Annie and I returned to the park so she could dip her paws in the river. I introduced her to the creek on the unpopulated side of the park where she tromp and stalked crayfish and brook trout. In the park, folks were picnicking and enjoying the mountain temperatures and outdoor activities.
But Annie and I soon learned that early worms get tired way too early and by 4 p.m., our day was pretty much over. It was deck time...not always a bad thing for a Saturday.