She stirs hornets for sport.
She jumps.
She jumps with muddy paws.
She stomps baby plants.
She can't be trusted around babies, small animals or old people.
She outwits the $300 wireless fence system.
She plays 'chicken' in the middle of the big curve on Broadstone Rd.
She hitchhikes with strangers.
She couldn't care less.
She is 80 lbs of knucklehead.
She eats poo then comes in for a sneaky lick of the face.
She runs amuck on a leash.
She eats the neighbor's turkeys.
She is lucky to still be alive after that stunt.
She is obnoxious and strong-willed.
She is my special needs child.
But I love her because when I call her name,
She gallops towards me as though I complete her world.