After work, Annie and I picked the remainder of the garden's black beans. Later, I popped open a Sam Adams Octoberfest beer, turned on the Otis Redding Pandora radio channel and shelled beans on the deck while watching my husband drag the box blade along the road. Annie slept at my feet, but kept one eye open in case a bean dropped her way. It wasn't until well after 7 p.m. when he climbed off the tractor and we shared a 'breakfast for dinner' meal. At this time of year, daylight is a precious commodity. "I shouldn't waste an hour," he says.
Leaves are changing, but only in micro patches. If you catch a backlit tree at just the right time of day, like in the photo above, it almost appears that autumn is near peak.
Not true, though.
It is still very green up here in the Blue Ridge Mountains.
I'll keep you posted...