So if you wanna see a bunch of Mountaineers drinking beer and not at a football game, here's the album. Check it out. You might see your neighbor or boss;)
By the way, I loved, loved, loved the music and the beer.
In the best of news, Appalachian beat the Mocs 42-41 in quite a come-from-behind battle. I was armed to cover the BrewFest and not miss the ASU football game by wearing my black and gold game day tie dye and a clip on AM radio. I needed to hear David Jackson tell me about my Mountaineers. Sadly, the fellows choked in the first three-quarters of the game. Not sure what that was about. I used every blunder as an excuse to get in line to taste yet another excellent Belgian or IPA. At one point we were down something like infinity to zero. Yet, I've seen too many Mountaineer Magic Moments to give up on the guys and miraculously, they pulled off a win, scoring 4 touchdowns in less than 8 minutes in the last quarter. For the last quarter of the game I left the Brew Fest and was inside Ingles grocery store listening to my radio. I had everyone from the stock boys to random customers surrounding me and my radio as I searched for tater tots. We celebrated in the milk aisle as the Mocs failed their conversion attempt. I even got a hug from some random dude as well as an assorted number of high fives and Hey Yas!
Ah...Here's to life's common threads.
And my heart has somewhat recovered today.
P.S. Gnumoon is back!
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