Yes. My daughter moved off to college and left me to care for her pets; a turtle she named Squiggle and a gold fish I named Shavodka (after a beloved ASU student) . For giggles I transplanted the pair to my office where they have quickly been adopted and adored by my co-workers. I am relieved to have the aquarium and fishbowl out of my sun room and we all enjoy watching their antics during the day. Especially Squiggle. Gnumoon gave Squiggle a brand new resin Sabertooth tiger skull to hide out in.. just what every red-eared slider wants. If Squiggle has a stink eye, he gives it to the Sabertooth. I'm certain he wil 3> it in time. Most days he swims along, riding the wave of the water filter or basking in the rays of the UVB light. I especially like it when he perches on his itty bitty turtle toes to get a fresh breath of air.
Shavodka, bless her heart, is a hungry soul. She get so excited when she sees me each morning...just like Annie. If I shake her stupid little goldfish crumbs, she does little flips in the water. Makes me want to feed her even more, except cleaning her fish bowl is almost as bad as emptying kitty litter. I'm sure I'll post a photo of Shavodka in time...
On the family front: Thanks for all your well wishes and prayers. My brother is on a roller coaster with his health. Today was better, I think. He is still in a far away ICU but has plenty of love and support nearby. My daughter is much better. She even went to the movies this evening. And Annie, awww, she's great. She's jumpy, flippy, and happy. She still wears a cone because she can't leave her stitches be, but acts as though she is one with the collar.
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