It is 2 a.m.
Holy Moly. App won the semi-finals.
The Choo Choo awaits us for the third time.
I escaped the mob, barely. Experience is my friend.
Night games are hard to shoot. My bad.
But, App goes for three.
Final score: 55-35.
Works fo me.
Go Apps!
Truth is:
Both field goals were tumbled by exuberant students. No injuries this time. Richmond fans are are zealous and polite. They had a great but small cheering section. The Richmond team should demand their fans travel better. It is a quality team that deserves more fan participation. What? 6 hours is too hard to drive? Seriously. In comparison, App fans went to Michigan in much better numbers than the Spiders did for this playoff game. Attendance numbers for this home game were over 24k. It was Appalachian Black and Golden. As I left The Rock tonight, there were thousands in line at the ticket booths. The Rock will be driving to Chattanooga.
I'm posting a few photos, but it is late... much more later.
In the meantime, Armanti Edwards rocked THE ROCk. He broke records.
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